How to Catch Bluegill

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How to Catch Bluegill

If you are looking for a fishing experience packed with nonstop action, incredible pound for pound fighting, and delectable table fare, look no further than the mighty bluegill. While this fish hardly grows larger than a quarter of a pound, its abundance and ferocity make them a fan favorite to target. 

The availability of these fish makes them able to be targeted by those with or without a boat. Hot spot locations where bluegill can be found are typically one to five feet deep. Gravel beds or flats provide bluegill with a perfect environment to bed and lay eggs, so target these areas. Once bluegill move up to these shallow waters during late spring, you can count on them staying in that general area for the rest of the summer into early fall. 

The rod setup for a bluegill fishing trip comes in two forms, a cane pole, or a spinning rod. While the set up from the tip of the rod to the hook will be the same for either of these, the method of getting your bait in the water is your preference. If you are fishing an area where you must gently land your bait into the area where you have located the bluegill, opt for the 12’ cane pole. Not only will it make your grandpa proud, but you will also be able to stealthily introduce your bait to these panfish without spooking any of them with a splash. However, if the bluegill are in deeper water and you don’t want to run your boat over them, casting at them with an ultra-light spinning rod with 4 pound line (I like FireLine for my smaller stuff) is a good option. 

The main set up nearly everyone uses is the bobber technique. Setting this up couldn’t be simpler, tie on your hook, pinch on a split shot, and clip on a bobber. A number 3 or 4 eagle claw straight shank hook is the right size for holding a good amount of bait and to fit inside the fish’s small mouth. A 1/16th ounce split shot weight that can be pinched on the line roughly 4 inches above the hook is all you will need to get the bait down. When it comes to bobbers, there are two choices you can choose from: a slip cork or a clip on. A clip-on bobber is just as it seems, you simply clip the spring-loaded wire around the line at the desired depth. A slip cork is very versatile and allows you to cast further. 

When choosing which bait to use to entice a hungry bluegill, look no further than a cricket or redworm. Each of these critters are essentially too much for a bluegill to resist. There is no secret on how to hook them, literally any way possible will get the job done. 

Once you have found an area that you think will have bluegill and your rod is rigged up, cast it out and wait. Watch your bobber for the slightest movement. It shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds to know if you have found a bluegill bed or not. If your bobber gets dragged under, set the hook, reel it in, and repeat. You will most definitely have an action-packed day on your hands.

Great Gear for Bluegill

Cane Pole

Ultra-light Spinning Rod

Split shot weight

Clip-on Bobber

 Slip Bobber

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