The Truest Thing About You

The Truest Thing About You

There are a lot of things about you which we would consider to be true. Truth is one of the fundamental concepts to understand our world. We teach our children to always tell the truth even if it is hard. We are obligated to tell the “The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” before a courtroom. Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth.” Truth is something that I believe is objective, but in some ways it is quantifiable. If you say the earth is round, that is true. If you say it is a sphere that is compressed at the poles, that is more true. The same can be said about you. Are you a father, a sister, a cousin, a grandparent? Are you a doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, a teacher? All of those could be true, but they are not the truest thing about you. The truest thing about you is that God loves you. You may lose your spouse and no longer be a husband. The role of widow or childless may change in the future. It doesn’t make them false, it just means they aren’t as true as they could be. The truth is, God will love you: always. It’s nothing you did to earn it. There is nothing you will ever do to deserve it. It is the most fundamental part of you. Whenever you feel that your worth may be less than stellar, remember that in God’s eyes you are loved. And that truth doesn’t change.


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